We are the worst enemy of Health Care Reform. All of us.
Forget about the particulars that are (or we think are) in the House and/or Senate bills.
We like the Health Care we have and want to keep it. (fine enough)
We don't want any new legislation because we don't believe our health care will remain as is.
We have trouble distinguishing between Health CARE and Health INSURANCE.
We've got our own health insurance and everyone else should take care of themselves.
We think we will never lose our jobs or our job provided health care insurance.
We believe we will never have a 'pre-existing' condition because we don't have one now.
If we do want any changes, we want them now and exactly how we want them.
Any compromise is bad because we know what everyone needs.
If change hasn't happened yet, it is a failure.
We might be OK on some health care reform, but don't think it should cost us anything.
We say we don't want our children to be burdened, but don't think we should give up anything now to achieve that.
We don't think any law could be good if it is longer than we would want to read.
The majority of Americans DO want many of the things that are the cornerstones of almost every proposal on Health Care Reform: coverage for everyone, not being declined for coverage due to a pre-existing condition, the stoppage of runaway health insurance premiums, etc.
We DON'T as a group seem to like any plan that meets these goals, is financially responsible and has restrictions that prevent destructive repercussions because it costs too much and is too restrictive.
We want to get, but don't want to give. We don't want less now so we can guarantee more later.
We are children.
We need an adult to do what is right, not because we will like it now, but because we will be better off later and can't see that now. We will hate this adult because they made us do something that we can't stand and seems stupid. We will feel alienated from them, want to hurt them and would be happy associating with anyone but them.
At times like these, it sucks to be the only adult around. But some things have to get done.
I hope that President Obama and enough members of the House and Senate can be the responsible adults in the room and make the tough decisions that will help us in the future. We are not capable of making the necessary sacrifice on or own.
We will probably hate you for it and throw you out of office at our first chance and vow never to speak with you again.
Until, of course, after some time, we also become adults...and realize just how smart you had become, much like our parents and maybe, just maybe, in a moment of self-reflection and great humility quietly whisper, "thanks".