Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Longest Six Weeks

The Mississippi primary is done and now we have 6 weeks until the Pennsylvania primary. That is a long time. A very long time in this action packed Democratic Nomination campaign. The time from Iowa to Super Tuesday Part II on March 4th was only 2 weeks longer. This is almost enough time for both candidates to shake the hand of every registered voter in the state.

Many journalists will start running out of (useful) things to write in 2-3 weeks unless there are some unexpected events (the campaigns have been providing them to us lately). This time does give us a chance to reflect on the events so far, how things could easily have turned out differently and what may happen down the road in the Democratic nomination process and in the general election.

How many expectations have turned out wrong so far:
Hilary Clinton would run away with the nomination
After winning Iowa, Barack Obama would win NH and Clinton would withdraw
Hilary Clinton would pull far enough ahead on Super Tuesday to end the competition
After winning 11 straight contests and pulling even or ahead in polls in Texas and Ohio, Super Tuesday II would put Obama in the winner's circle

We are left with Pennsylvania on April 22nd (Earth Day) with 188 delegates that is probably likely to wind up similar to Ohio. Hilary Clinton will struggle to win any other primaries except for Puerto Rico, but if Florida and Michigan do reruns, count on her getting the 'W'. Where does that leave us?

Hello, Denver.

Buckle up. Its going to be a bumpy ride.

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