I'm not sure if mine will ever get read, much less get me 2 tickets to the Inauguration, so I am posting here so it sees the light of day:
For the first time in my life, I fear that my job, our home and our children’s futures are all at risk and I know I am not alone in feeling that way. Perhaps once in a generation a troubled nation turns to an incoming President with all their hopes and fears and sets aside political differences hoping and praying that before them stands the right person for the right time. I am very hopeful that the Inauguration of Barack Obama will be the beginning of our country's chance to not only recover but to move to a new level of greatness. It may be wishful thinking borne out of desperation, but sometimes when that is all you have it winds up being enough. Our country has moved the furthest forward when times were most troubling. In those times, the crisis provided danger, but also opportunity and a nation with more common enemies and problems than differences supported their President who showed uncommon creativity, courage and good judgment. Years later, people may look back at Inauguration Day 2009 realizing that we were experiencing the worst of times, but it was the inflection point in our path back to the best of times.
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