Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How Kanye West can help get a Health Care Bill Passed


Yeah, even I said that after I typed the title, but give this a couple of seconds and you'll see where I am headed.

So we all know about Kanye West's latest outburst, this time at the VMA Awards this past Sunday grabbing the mike from Taylor Swift during her acceptance speech. Well, it turns out that on Monday, while President Obama was being 'miked' for an interview on CNBC, he was speaking with some folks and commented that Kanye was a "jackass" for doing it.

Rather than generating one more wave of un-pleasantries from his opponents, this comment seems to have united almost everyone behind President Obama. For example, read the comments posted under these articles:

USA Today
Fox News

You can also hear the actual audio at TMZ. Over 90% of those voting at the TMZ site supported Obama's remark.

So my thinking is, let Kanye rip away. Perhaps Obama's detractors will realize they may have more in common with him than they think and perhaps we can get a more rational conversation going on how to improve health care coverage in the US.

BTW, Kanye's interruption was to say he thought this video by Beyonce for "All the Single Girls" should have won.

But perhaps Justin Timberlake should have been equally upset that his version of the same video wasn't even nominated:

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