Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Republican Convention - Day 3

Who threw the raw meat onto the podium?

On the night of runners-up, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee and Rudy Guiliani, in the course of starting their campaign for 2012 spent most of their time attacking Barack Obama, the media and Hollywood (they spread the net wide). Like last night, much bigger applause for attacking the other side than praising the McCain-Palin ticket.

Mitt finished in last place in the zinger category, but he still generated a lot of energy from the crowd.

Mike Huckabee has a knack for a zinger. For that reason (and perhaps that reason only), it would be really interesting to see him as the Republican candidate. Some good ones were "I'm not a Republican because I grew up rich, but because I didn't want to spend the rest of my life poor". He also gave a somewhat low-blow but also very funny line that Sara Palin "received more votes running for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, than Joe Biden got running for president of the United States!". Very funny. Unfortunately, not true. I guess Mike still has problem figuring out the difference between votes and delegates.

Rudy Guiliani's best line talking about Obama changing his mind, by saying that Joe Biden better get that Vie-Presidential nomination in writing. Capping off the trio, Rudy showed that they are having trouble keeping track of what is being said somewhere in the media and what is a statement by anyone in the Obama-Biden camp. I'm not sure I have seen a reference that the Obaama-Biden camp said that Sarah Palin as a mother of 5 should be staying at home. But as Rudy said earlier in his talk (in a very ackward point), "if the facts don't work for you, change them".

Only at a Republican convention (or a Hummer Owners Reunion) and with gas at $4.00 could we hear chants of "Drill, Baby, Drill".

Hurrican Sarah blows through the Convention!
Sarah Palin sans video intro (don't bother looking at the schedule of events) does a good job showing why she rose so quickly from PTA to Governor. She is confident and sincere and comfortable speaking in front of a lot of people, even when reading a speech she didn't write. Great facial and hand expressions, she is no Dan Quayle. She will benefit tremendously from highly misinformed low expectations that a female governor from a lightly populated state that is a long trip from anywhere in the lower 48 can understand international affairs. It isn't as if she was sealed in an igloo. Her best line of the night was, "The only difference between a hockey mom and a lipstick". The line you will hear the most after the convention, "Some people use change to promote their careers, John McCain uses his career to promote change". Typical for a VP speech, but perhaps a bit surprising in her first speech to the country had a lot of venom for Barack Obama. Nice slam on the faux stage at Obama's Acceptance speech saying that "...after the styrofoam Greek columns are hauled back to some studio lot..." and Obama's other-worldly persona, "...after he's done turning back the waters and healing the planet...". Again, lumping Democrats and Hollywood and the Media in one big ball of hate for the Republican faithful.

Not a surprise to me that her speech was very good, (she is a very good speaker). What started to hit me is how well her off-handed sense of humor will trump whatever Obama or Biden have to say (and they are both excellent speakers and debaters). She could get caught missing a fact here or there in her VP debate with Biden, but I almost get this sense that Tina Fey will be debating Biden. Facts aside, a witty hockey mom is tough to out-debate.

A very cohesive, driving, attacking night. This 3 Night format may actually wind up being the plan for future Conventions.

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