Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Obama Meets Bush

Barack Obama met with George Bush at the White House on Monday in another step in this transition of power. I had a sense of symmetry as I saw them walking together. Obama's approval rating is about the same as Bush's disapproval rating.

The Sunday talk shows had much speculation on what would be said and asked with many posing that there really wasn't anything that Obama needed to know from Bush. It was widely reported that Obama did wind up encouraging Bush to support a financial bailout of the auto industry with strong requirements that they meet stringent emissions and alternative fuel guidelines in the future. This whole situation is challenging to find the correct side on as the collapse of the US auto industry would result in the loss of 2-3 million jobs. However, a bailout would be like giving your crack addicted friend a pile of cash and driving him to the dealer.

Although we don't know everything that the President and President-Elect spoke about, our friend David Letterman put together his Top 10 list of things that Bush & Obama really talked about:

Item # 3 isn't just funny, it is sadly the reason why we are in such a big mess. When Bush was elected, my biggest concern was that he wasn't a hard worker. I think he outsourced most of his responsibilities to others, particularly Dick Cheney and didn't have an overriding concern about what they did. Barack Obama will have more challenges than perhaps any previous President as they entered office and may or may not have a successful presidency. However, one thing I am not concerned about is that he will be lazy and not hold others accountable for their decisions.

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