Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

I told you that 6 weeks was a long time between primaries and now that we are at the half way point, this past week has shown idleness roust the chorus of “Should Hillary Quit?” from many corners of the journalistic spectrum. Why? They are bored and want to get on with the general election. Some leading members of the Democratic Party (All Obama Supporters) have started saying once again that Hillary should drop out. I’m not sure what they are afraid of.

Here is a Top 10 list for why Hillary Clinton should stay in the race:

#10 – It is a race. You don’t drop out. You run through the finish line. (Yes, I used to be a Track Coach, why do you ask?)

#9 - The first serious contender to be a nominee for President should still be a candidate at the convention.

#8 - How else would the majority of Americans learn about Superdelegates?

#7 - Pennsylvania, Guam, North Carolina, Indiana, West Virginia, Kentucky, Oregon, Puerto Rico, South Dakota and Montana.

#6 - Nobody has won yet.

#5 - Republicans deserve to think they have a chance to win, at least for a while.

#4 - If Obama was only 150 delegates behind at this point, would many people be suggesting that he should drop out?

#3 - Puerto Rico moved their primary up 6 days to Sunday, June 1st in anticipation of an enormous turnout. Nobody should rain on their parade.

#2 – Saturday Night Live needs more time to find a good Obama impersonator (perhaps this guy).

#1 - Americans love a great fight, and even if the Democratic Party feels split at the convention, makeup s*x is always great.

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