Wednesday, May 14, 2008

North Carolina and Indiana Recap

Quick recap from May 6th primaries:

Almost spot on for North Carolina. We had Obama correct at 56%, somehow 2% voted for neither and that made the spread 14% instead of my predicted 12%. Polls underrepresented the African American vote again.

Indiana - surprised. Everything seemed to indicate it was becoming more like PA and OH, but in reality, it was much more like the state bordering on Illinois. How much anxiety went through the Clinton campaign late into the night with those ridiculously late returns from Lake County in the NW corner of the state? Were you thinking that Chicago Mayor Richard Daley's ghost was alive and well?

The result is that the delegate math gets almost impossible for Clinton and more superdelegates feel safe jumping on the Obama bandwagon. This is not even to mention the talking heads and Dem Party leaders who just want this thing over so they don't have to buy more Alka Seltzer. Too bad that according to a recent poll, 55% of Dem voters and indys leaning Dem WANT Clinton to stay in the race through the primaries. Only 25% wanted her to drop out. She will oblige the majority.

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