Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Vice Presidential Debate

Since I heard her speak at the Republican Convention, I have been telling people that I believe Sarah Palin will do just fine in the Vice Presidential debate this Thursday. I was actually concerned about how many ways Joe Biden could come off as rambling, condescending, patronizing, etc. The Palin-Couric interview has me seriously reconsidering that opinion. I still think there is a pretty good chance that she will be able to hold her own in 1 and 2 minute segments as happens in a debate. However, some of the things she has said in the Couric interview just make you wonder.

The segment that aired this morning is very peculiar. After telling Katie Couric that she does not have any debate coaches, Couric followed up by asking about those helping her prepare:

I have quite a few people who are giving us information about the record of Obama and Biden, and at the end of the day, though, it is -- it's so clear, again, what those choices are. Either new ideas, new energy and reform of Washington, DC, or more of the same.

Has anyone told her that Obama has been saying this exact same thing for several months? Does she forget that she is of the same party as that which currently resides in the White House? Barack Obama is more of the same of what exactly?

I hope for her sake that she doesn't uncork a doozy with tens of millions of people watching (about 50 million watched the 1st Presidential Debate last week) or the polling numbers will quickly move to a place from which John McCain would have no chance to recover with less than 5 weeks to go. Already, 4 MUST states for John McCain are showing a tie (Florida, Ohio, North Carolina) or Obama slightly ahead (Virginia). Winning all 4 of those states still puts McCain 5 electoral votes short, which means he would probably have to win Colorado as well where he is polling about 3 points down.

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