Saturday, October 11, 2008

Capitulation and a Return to Normalcy

This title could (hopefully) be referring to the Stock Markets as on Friday, we began with a 700 point loss, rising back to almost even, dropping back to almost the same loss, then rose to a gain of 300 points then eased back down, but to a loss of only 128 points. All the possible sellers are probably out and that big intraday gain shows there are buyers ready to re-enter the market. There will probably be a lot of intraday activity, but hopefully the general trend from here on is upward.

However, this is a political rather than economics blog, so I am actually talking about John McCain. I think he has capitulated on the tactic of attacking Barack Obama's character at least to the point of encouraging people to believe caustic and non-factual opinions about Barack Obama. It was starting to get a bit scary. One spectator at a McCain rally this week was shouting 'Kill Him' (referring to Obama). That person detained, questioned and eventually released by the FBI. But a frequently run reel of a town hall rally in Wisconsin this week exhibits some of the depth of anger and frustration some McCain supporters are feeling.

Just a personal note that with the historically low approval rating of the incumbent Republican President, the state of the Economy and the propensity for the American voters to not give a party 3 consecutive terms in the White House, nobody should be surprised that "we are in this position".

After hearing a lot of attacks on Obama, McCain got to a point a few times during a campaign stop in Minnesota that he could not allow to remain unchallenged:

I admire John McCain's desire to take a stand at the presentation of these opinions. He has returned a bit to his old self that probably would have appealed to more moderates and independents than he has with the way his campaign has played out.

for October 11 - Obama 21, McCain 13

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